Sunday, July 15, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy and going crazy!!

I always look foward to summertime. It seems to be when things slow down at the office and in general. Not this year!! I haven't had a single weekend free since May 5th. I am about to go crazy. I offered to do a Bride's Maid Luncheon for two very close friends. They are both getting married in July. I also did a lingerie shower for one of them. I'm the wedding coordinator for another and doing rehearsal dinner! I'm also in charge of decorating for one of the receptions. And it's all VOLUNTEER! When I get there I love doing it. Especially when it turns out ok, but it's all the mental stress leading up to it. On top of all that we are trying to pack up our house AGAIN. This is really where all the stress is. Thinking about having to move one more time. I'm ok with it but it doesn't make things any easier. I have been going through a lot of emotions with Nic moving to Tallahassee. I know it's for the best and I really don't want to move with him, but at the same time I'm about to go through a hard time and I won't have the one person I need with me. Anyways I know I just need to get over it and suck it up, and I will, but I still need to vent my feelings. The one thing I am looking foward to is going to the beach. In the middle of all of this I get to get away and go to the beach. Not only that but Josh, Hope and Lex are coming too. I really need this time with friends and away from everything else. Thank God he provides little breaths of fresh air.


Amanda said...

Glad to hear I am not the only one in the world stressing about life...

Kim said...

I will be praying for you guys!! Moving is so not fun! This was the 1st summer in 8 years that I have not moved so I have complete sympathy for you. When Nic is gone and you need to chat/vent please call. Even though it was not as long as you guys are doing the seperate places thing, Robb and I did live in seperate places for 3 months -3/4 days a week when he took this position and I was still an RD. I remember some of my frustrations during that time and am an open ear. Have fun with the Butchers!!!

Amanda said...

Hey! Check your email. I sent the addresses! Love you!